ESG Reporting and Disclosures


ESG Reporting and Disclosures

Our ESG services encapsulate services focused on environmental, social and governance issues in order to provide a measure of sustainability performance. In today’s complex and changing environments, organizations need to drive business forward and create value, however, this is proving to be a challenging task for all upstream oil and gas organizations that have investors on board.

How we can help?

Environmental Impact

Inteleum is committed to improving the environmental footprint of upstream oil and gas companies and supporting them to enjoy wide-reaching benefits. Although environmental footprint and climate change might seem too huge or too abstract a challenge, establishing reliable and well-suited mechanisms for effective management of activities and projects businesses can have positive environmental impact, secure high-investment returns and drive their reputation.

Our approach includes:

  • GHG reporting
  • Climate Change Impact
  • Science Based Targets
  • Green Well Development
Stakeholders & Governance Impact

Inteleum is dedicated to helping organizations make a positive impact on communities at local, national and regional level. Stakeholder engagement is closely connected with realization of organization ability to create and enable positive impact and makes it the most important component of business purpose. Successful stakeholder management improves communication throughout the organization and fosters genuine relationships based on trust, mutual understanding and cooperation, ultimately safeguarding the company’s reputation and its social license to operate.

Our approach includes:

  • SROI Analysis
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • CSR Initiatives
ESG Reporting Services

Inteleum is here to help you write and share your story, so you do not have to reinvent the wheel. If you are a first-time reporter, we will assist you in turning your ESG journey into a learning process by working with you to develop your first report, supporting you with future reports and coaching your employees how to disclose your progress and performance in an engaging way. For more advanced reporters we provide alignment with different standards, GRI Content Index, Alignment, Review and SDGs mapping services to improve the quality and validity of your reports.

We can help you with:
- Materiality Assessment
- Will work with you to identify the economic, environmental and social areas that can create opportunities or pose risks to your organization.
- Help you identify those key topics that create and retain value to your business, and the issues that need your attention, monitoring and action.
- Compliance with reporting frameworks
- ESG Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) monitoring: We monitor and report on a variety of indicators needed for ESG reporting: carbon footprint, water consumption, Environmental Sustainability Index, social responsibility, compliance, diversity, inclusion and more.
- ESG Report content development
- ESG Report custom design

ESG Peer Comparison Report

ESG ratings can vary dramatically between rating agencies due to differences in methodology, subjective interpretation, market cap size, location or industry. ESG Is not an exact science.The journey starts here. Understanding how your company compares to industry peers and companies in other industry segments, as well as considering stakeholder (employees, community) and investor perceptions of your company’s ESG activities, provides an invaluable baseline for creating and monitoring your ESG strategy.

We can help you with:
- Creating an ESG comparison report
- Accessing comparison benchmark data
- Performing competitor analysis
- Performing stakeholder analysis


From strategy to execution our portfolio of services is designed to help you tackle your greatest sustainability challenges and realize the competitive advantage and impact at scale that sustainability brings:

Towards Net Zero

Inteleum helps with solutions to reduce carbon emissions, while driving social and economic benefits.

Sustainable Value Chain

Inteleum helps embedding sustainability into every stage of the value chain to deliver trusted, net-zero and circular value chains.

Sustainable Technology

Inteleum enables organizations to use technology more sustainably while also using technology as a vehicle to drive sustainability.

Sustainability Measurement & Analytics

Inteleum provides the tools, technology, and methodologies to help businesses embed sustainability data and decision-making

Sustainable Leadership and Organization

Inteleum helps business leaders build sustainability into everything, creating sustainability at the core.

Sustainable Stakeholder Experience and Brand

Inteleum can enable you to shift stakeholders perception about a brand's commitment to sustainability

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