So why consider the shift?

Today, we live in a world where everyone, from brands to consumers, engages across increasingly fragmented channels and platforms. In-store, on mobile, social media – as marketers we have ever-expanding options to connect with consumers, and access to greater volumes of consumer data than ever before. The goal for all brands is to understand how to align all that growing data in real-time, across all sources and platforms – to know how to use it to inform and transform. With the right planning, platform integration and data strategy, that’s exactly what a digital transformation with data delivers.

From highlighting how and where to move to drive exceptional, relevant customer experiences, to knowing how to streamline internal operations, or adjust product – that data holds the key to growth.

Defining Digital Transformation For Your Organization

A true digital transformation with data will work to implement and refine the right, unified tools, data strategy, data management, process and analytics to enable that accurate data insight – aligning and refining on and offline data to support intelligently informed decision-making across the business.

Of course, as every organization will have different goals, priorities and ambitions, no two processes will be the same –  as each organization will have different starting points and technologies in place for a digital transformation.

The information below will outline key considerations, common objectives, benefits, and use cases for implementing a digital transformation with data across a business.

What Does a Digital Transformation Strategy Look Like? What Should it Consider?

Before planning what digital transformation looks like for your brand, it’s important to consider your goals and understand why a transformation strategy is the right approach.

At its core, a digital transformation is dependent on technology and data to:

  1. Create insights and data points that will measurably improve the customer experience with the intent of increasing sales, loyalty and brand advocacy.
  2. Enable and unlock intelligence across an organization to highlight how and where you can take time and cost out of the process, with the intent of reducing waste and lowering the cost of doing business.