Sustainability Reporting

A sustainability report is a valuable business tool that allows companies and organizations to present their economic, environmental and social impacts, while providing links of how their values and governance model dictate and influence strategy decisions, business performance and sustainability commitments. A good sustainability report is based on a sound sustainability strategy integrated with core business objectives and it demonstrates how companies create value for both the business and society.

Sustainability Knowledge Group is here to help you write and share your story, so you do not have to reinvent the wheel. If you are a first-time reporter, we will assist you in turning your sustainability journey into a learning process by working with you to develop your first Sustainability report, supporting you with future reports and coaching your employees how to disclose your progress and performance in an engaging way. For more advanced reporters we provide GRI Content Index, Alignment, Review and SDGs mapping services to improve the quality and validity of your sustainability reports.

We will guide you through the following areas:

  • Materiality Assessment: identification of the most crucial material topics for your business
  • Compliance with reporting frameworks: selection of the most appropriate reporting frameworks, including: GRI, UN Global Compact, CDP, ISO26000, IIRC and UN SDGs
  • Data collection: collection of the necessary data for the report
  • Sustainability report content development: writing a well-composed report and communicating it effectively

Materiality Assessment

Materiality Assessment is the first and most significant step towards producing a Sustainability report and is the important link for building a coherent and successful sustainability strategy. Sustainability Knowledge Group will work with you to identify the economic, environmental and social areas that can create opportunities or pose risks to your organization.

According to GRI, material topics are those that have “direct or indirect impact on an organization’s ability to create, preserve or erode economic, environmental and social value for itself, its stakeholders and society at large”. Material topics form the central part of your report and are of great importance to your stakeholders.

Our role is to help you identify those key topics that create and retain value to your business, and the issues that need your attention, monitoring and action.

GRI Content Index, SDGs mapping Alignment and Review services

GRI Standards and the SDGs have become an indispensable lens through which organizations assess and share their sustainability journey. Through advanced services including GRI Content Index, Alignment, Review and SDGs mapping, Sustainability Knowledge Group provides a much-needed array of services guaranteed to improve the quality of your sustainability reports and verify its compliance with leading standards and frameworks. These services support reporting organizations to ensure that their reports are in line with the requirements of the GRI Standards and provide in depth feedback to help you improve.